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A review of EEG emotion recognition based on deep learning

作者: 李颖洁  李玉玲  杨帮华 
单位:上海大学通信与信息工程学院生物医学工程研究所(上海 200444)
关键词: 脑电信号;  深度学习;  情绪;  情绪识别;  特征提取 
分类号:R318.04; B841.1; B842.6

基于脑电信号的情绪识别方法与传统的人脸识别、语音识别等方法相比,表现出更高的可靠性。然而,由于脑电信号具有低信噪比、非平稳性以及被试间差异大等特点,传统机器学习方法很难进一步提高情绪分类准确性。近年来,随着深度学习在图像分类、语音识别等领域的成功应用,许多研究者将其应用于脑电情绪识别。本文在Web of Science和Google Scholar中利用deep learning、EEG及emotion recognition等关键词检索到154篇相关文献,并基于PRISMA准则筛选出了31篇近几年内将深度学习应用于脑电情绪分类的文献。文中从脑电信号的预处理、特征提取和深度网络输入形式、深度网络架构选择及参数设置等方面,介绍了基于脑电深度学习的情绪识别研究进展。同时,以某情绪脑电公共数据库(a Dataset for Emotion Analysis using EEG, Physiological, and video signals, DEAP)相关研究为例进行各种深度网络架构的比较。本文进一步将文献分析结果提炼,为有兴趣将深度学习技术应用于情绪脑电数据的研究人员,提供一些处理过程中方法选择与参数设置的建议。

Emotion recognition based on EEG signals exhibits higher reliability than traditional approaches such as behavioral, facial and voice. However, due to the characteristics of EEG signals with low signal-to-noise ratio, non-stationary, and large individual differences, it is difficult to improve the classification accuracy by using traditional machine learning methods. In recent years, deep learning has successfully achieved impressive performance in tasks such as image classification and speech recognition, it also proposed to achieved competitive accuracy in EEG-based recognition task. In this paper, we formalized keywords such as deep learning, EEG and emotion recognition search on Web of Science and Google Scholar. The PRISMA criteria was used to identify studies and narrow down the collection, which led this review from an original count of 154 studies to a final count of 31 studies. This paper introduced the research progress on EEG-based emotion recognition using deep learning, from the aspects of EEG signal preprocessing, feature extraction, the choice of input form, architecture and parameter setting of deep networks. Meanwhile, the studies using a public database DEAP (a Dataset for Emotion Analysis using EEG, Physiological, and video signals) are summarized to compare the performance of different deep network architecture. This paper further refines the results of literature analysis which can provide some suggestions for researchers interested in applying deep learning in EEG-based emotion recognition in the selection of EEG signal preprocessing methods and parameters setting.


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