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Analyze the factors of untrustworthy behavior in scientific research and measures for hospital management

作者: 李晓璐  岳花兰  李葳  吴广辉  吴涛  于洋  张宏家 
单位:首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院(北京100029)<br />通信作者: 岳花兰。E-mail:yuehl2013@aliyun.com
关键词: 医院管理;科研诚信;风险防控 


Scientific research integrity is the cornerstone of scientific and technological innovation, that promotes the high-quality development of hospitals. Accordingly the hospital is a birthplace for scientific and technological innovation ideas, the cultivation base of scientific and technological innovation talents. This paper analyzes the common scientific research integrity and dishonesty behavior and its causes in the hospital environment, and puts forward prevention and control measures from the hospital management system, talent selection and evaluation system, scientific research activity process management, hospital humanistic concept publicity, punishment system and other aspects based on the principle of giving priority to prevention and punishment. Keeping the concept of scientific research integrity in the hearts of clinicians and researchers, building the bottom line of scientific research integrity with the spirit of scientists, respecting the law of scientific research development, standardizing scientific research behavior, and reducing the risk of scientific research integrity anomie can effectively prevent and control the occurrence of scientific research dishonesty.


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