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Investigation on Testing Method of Detective Quantum Efficiency for the Digital Mammographic System

作者: 梁健  项士海  孙智勇  宣杨  王建军  侯耀芳  王立新  康雁 
关键词: 数字乳腺机;量子探测效率;  边缘检测;调制传递函数;  噪声功率谱 

数字化乳腺X线摄影技术已成为临床检测早期无症状隐匿性乳腺癌的重要手段,在此背景下,评价数字乳腺机性能的量子探测效率(DQE)检测方法,是国内外临床医学界和医学影像检测部门所关注的重要课题。针对相对成熟的IEC 62220-1标准不适用于辐射剂量小、辐射野小的数字乳腺机DQE检测的问题,本文较深入地研究了基于IEC 62220-1-2 标准的数字乳腺机DQE检测方法和具体数字图像处理算法的实现。并将该DQE检测手段实施于辽宁省医疗器械检验所受检产品某公司生产的乳腺机,得到了相应的DQE测试结果,最后,本文讨论了数字化乳腺成像系统量子探测效率的重要影响因素。

Quantum detective efficiency (DQE) measurement methodology based on the international standard IEC 62220-1 is being regarded as an objective performance evaluation metric for the digital Xray graphic system. However, the fast becoming popular mammographic systems are not applied to the IEC 62220-1 standard because the factors affecting measurement are more complicated. In this paper, the DQE measurement methodology for digital mammographic system and the corresponding standard IEC 62220-1-2 was investigated. Further, this measurement method was used for testing the DQE of the digital mammographic system. The DQE value was obtained and the factors affecting measurement were discussed in detail.


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