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Literature Metrology Analysis for Status and Trends of Biomedical Engineering in China

作者: 蔺嫦燕  李砚平  舒丽霞  吴广辉 
关键词: 生物医学工程;文献计量学;态势分析 


In order to investigate the advantage and problems of biomedical engineering (BME) studies in China, and find out the proper research items for improving enterprise development, this article uses the literature metrology method to widely analyze the status and trends of BME discipline research in China. First, according to the distribution of BME discipline, we divided it into 8 research categories, biomechanics, biomaterial, modeling and controlling of medical system, detecting and processing of medicine signals, analyzing and processing of medicine images, and so on. Then we retrieved out all journal articles of BME discipline in Wanfang data(Chinainfo) system from 1997 to 2009 . Finally we carried on the data mining and the information analyzing using the Bradford literature metrology. It was indicated that the number of annual papers in BME discipline increased from 1997 to 2008, however it decreased in 2009. In the 8 categories, the journal papers retrieved out in biomechanics categories were most from 1997 to 2009, and the papers, which citation frequency was more than 10 times, was also in it. In biomechanics categories the paper topic named “A Comparative Biomechanical Study and Clinical Application of Three Internal Fixation Methods for Distal Femoral Fractures” was mostly cited as 99 times. Therefore, in China, the studies on biomechanics categories has more obviously abundant foundation in BME discipline, and people pay attention to the applied research more and more.


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