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Impact of CPOE Implementation on Physician-Nurse Workflow Cooperation

作者: 郑西川  范理宏  胡彬  谭申生 
关键词: 临床工作流;电子医嘱;无纸化申请;临床信息系统 


In the progress of designing and deploying a successful computer physician order entry(CPOE) system,which supports the medical workflow,one thorough understanding to the workflow and its changes after the CPOE implementation is very crucial,so that we analyze the characteristics of workflow in different phases of CPOE system implementation in this paper.It was indicated that the CPOE system affects the workflow both positively and negatively,the usability of the CPOE system and the improvement of clinical workflow are also vital factors that influence the CPOE system implementing.Although the present software of CPOE system has already exploited its supportive features in workflow,it also needs to devise a number of workarounds to overcome its simultaneously introduced barriers in workflow.


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