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Design and implementation of a novel parallel search algorithm for DICOM files

作者: 郭华源 
单位:中国人民解放军总医院计算机应用与管理科(北京 100853)
关键词: DICOM文件;并行查找;任务等分策略;.NET  framework  4 

目的 为提高DICOM文件查找的速度和效率。方法 在分析DICOM文件查找的基本原理基础上,设计一种基于任务等分策略的文件并行查找算法,并基于.NET Framework 4和Leadtools DICOM开发包实现该算法。该算法特点是采用多线程并行技术,通过任务等分和多核并行实现DICOM文件并行查找。在HP DL380 G5服务器上对并行算法进行性能测试,获得并行加速比曲线图。结果 测试表明该算法具有良好的并行性能,可显著提高DICOM文件查找效率。结论 采用任务等分策略和多线程并行模型,能够有效提高DICOM文件查找的速度和效率。

Objective To improve the search speed and efficiency of DICOM files.Methods Through the search feature analysis of DICOM files in this paper firstly,a novel parallel search algorithm of DICOM files based on the task partition strategy is designed which can speedup the files search through parallel mode.Then,the algorithm is implemented based on the Microsoft .NET framework 4 and Leadtools DICOM toolkit.The algorithm’s characteristic is the parallel mode and the task partition strategy to realize the parallel search of DICOM files.The parallel algorithm is tested on HP DL380 G5 server and the parallel speedup curve is obtained.Results The test results show that the algorithm is of good parallel capability and can greatly improve the DICOM file search efficiency.Conclusions Multithreading parallel model and task partition strategy can improve the search speed and efficiency of DICOM files.


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